Tuesday, February 7, 2012

SweetSaurus blogs!  Ok, SweetSaurus TRIES to blog!  I’ve been trying to get this blog up and running for weeks now, but I must admit, I’m finding myself somewhat blog-phobic. 
After spending far too much time obsessing about tone, theme, and the best topic for our inaugural post, I’ve decided that I was (like usual) perhaps over-obsessing about it all.  So, after much deliberation, and even more procrastination, I’m just going to jump right in and get down to business.

Let’s talk about the dinosaur in the room.
When we decided to launch business selling flavoring syrup and using an orange dinosaur as a mascot, we knew we would get a lot of quizzical looks and blank stares.  Luckily, we are pretty comfortable with that response to most of our off the wall ideas, so it wasn’t much of a deterrent. 
Here’s the deal:  We sell flavoring syrup.  We created a fictional species of dinosaur and named our company after it.  We have a website full of silly dinosaur banners.  And we love it.
That’s it.  Sweet and Simple… and Orange.

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